Monday, August 3, 2015

Off to Copenhagen!

I have been planning on taking a cruise for a very long time. And the time has come! On Wednesday, Aug. 5th, I will fly to Copenhagen to take the HAL Eurodam cruise up the Baltic Sea, stopping in Tallihn, Estonia, Stockholm, Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Weir, Germany and Waremunde, Germany. It is a 12 day knitting cruise, and will include classes and yarn shop trips along the way!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Just a couple of random thoughts --

This is a quiz for all my former students who are at college and have lots of time on their hands and are getting quite adept at taking tests, I hope!

1. Drum Majors - don't play drums and usually not a Major - explain.

2. Drum cadence - has nothing to do with a musical cadence - explain.

3. Heterophony - come on, music majors!

4. Why can't 6/8 time be reduced to 3/4, but 4/4 can be reduced to 2/2?

5. Why is there always an eternal freshman?

6. Who is always right, and why isn't that sign at the Newington Stew's?

7. Why haven't you brought me coffee?

(Perhaps these tests would be more interesting if I had some outside participation!)

Musical question

Okay, for all you former student musicians that I have coached on the way to musical greatness - What is the meaning of cwrubatolife? Now don't go looking into your online musical dictionaries and no fair googling it either. Just pure knowledge, that is what we are looking for!

Monday, October 10, 2011

I am sure you have all seen this picture before - a stamp, or poster, etc. But the original statue is in Philadelphia. In fact, there are several there - this one is in Love Plaza on 15th Street, right by William Penn standing on top of Town Hall. Another one is on the campus of UPenn, where lovers pose for the mom!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Hurricane Irene hit our backyard around 8:15 am as a major tree in our backyard split in half, felling a huge branch all across our backyard. The tree fell across our "dancing" deck and split a little wooden table in half. I don't know if it is bad or good news that we can't get into the shed to retrieve the chain saw or the lawn mower!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

my favorites!

Just a thought


I've been thinking lately that maybe retirement is not for me, maybe it's not my bag, maybe I wasn't cut out for it, all that stuff. Then I realized, while I am sitting out on my deck, having a leisurely breakfast, cup of coffee, listening to an album composed by a former student (which is great, by the way - you should all go to his website and download his first album - teachers meetings are this week. BANDCAMP is this week. And no offense, Rick, but this beats that anyway you shake it!

And then I realized that I wouldn't have been able to spend the day yesterday at Elizabeth Park, surveying the flowers, stitching with friends, and having a lovely lunch by the Rose Garden. I wouldn't be able to to to DC next week to visit my daughter. I wouldn't be able to go to my condo in Myrtle Beach in November to enjoy the lovely fall weather there. So I guess retirement is a pretty good place to be!